Creconobe is a simple, effective and extraordinary system in the field of personal development, sustained over time, towards a real integral and evolutionary transformation.
CRECONOBE refers to a system capable of making favorable changes within us, where we can reprogram our own thoughts energetically, biologically and neuropsychologically.
The Creconobe system takes possession of the energy - frequency where the consciousness lives, in present time, with full focus; therefore CRECONOBE will be of great help to you, in discovering your real motivations, abilities and gifts.
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Creconobe is the philosophical framework of a brain training technique and how it affects our autonomic nervous system that controls all our biology.
GUIA DIDACTICA contains all those practices and exercises for a transformation from energy to matter from waves to particles , a way of creating a new neuro psycho - physiological model towards a healthy and happy life
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Operated by Creconobe